Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mint Snowball

I really enjoyed reading Naomi Nye's essay "Mint Snowball" because it reminded me of things my mother loved about her child hood.

My mom grew up in the small town of Chelsea Michigan and Naomi's mom grew up in a small town in Illinois. My mom's favorite place to go was to the local pharmacy because they had a soda counter with an old fashioned soda fountain. She and her brother and sisters would go on a regular basis to the pharmacy to get a tasty drink, just like the mint snowballs created by Naomi's grandfather.

I particularly love the lines, "My mother remembers the counter's long polished sweet, its shining face." and "She closed her eyes to see the Swiss village my great-grandfather's parents came from." Just the fact that Nayomi remembers things from her child hood that were described by her grandparents and great grandparents proves that family is very important to her.

I can really empathize with her longing for something she remembered from her childhood with the recipe for the Mint Snowball lost; I myself remember and long for the days when there was a Dairy Queen in Chelsea instead of the Dairy Queen wanna be that is there now, and I know my mom misses the days when the pharmacy was on the street corner of Main Street and the soda shop that once resided inside it.

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